Login failure after switching to PHP 7.4
AmritasyaPutra opened this issue · 7 comments
I was using with PHP 7.3 and when I moved to PHP 7.4 I am not able to login. I cannot selectively go back to PHP 7.4 because other websites on the shared hosting have all migrated to PHP 7.4, this is the only website having issues. Please find below the detailed error log, I hope this will be sufficient to troubleshoot.
[14-May-2020 10:01:44 Asia/Kolkata] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: core_kernel_classes_Resource::__serialize() must return an array in /home/705D5A6/quiz.705D5A6.in/tao/models/classes/mvc/Bootstrap.php:183
Stack trace:
#0 /home/705D5A6/quiz.705D5A6.in/tao/models/classes/mvc/Bootstrap.php(183): session_write_close()
#1 /home/705D5A6/quiz.705D5A6.in/tao/models/classes/mvc/Bootstrap.php(234): oat\tao\model\mvc\Bootstrap->dispatchHttp()
#2 /home/705D5A6/quiz.705D5A6.in/index.php(31): oat\tao\model\mvc\Bootstrap->dispatch()
#3 {main}
thrown in /home/705D5A6/quiz.705D5A6.in/tao/models/classes/mvc/Bootstrap.php on line 183
I have PHP7.4 and I have exactly the same error as as AmritasyaPutra with exactly the same stack trace, caught as a "critical PHP error".
I tried to downgrad to PHP7.2 and run the installation on the command line ... and it still has a lot of issues, mostly with SQL. And when I get past this, it says "Access denied Please renew your authentication", so I'm stuck with the same as with PHP7.4
Please fix this.
I'm having the same experience that @sodok described.
- Ubuntu 18.04
- PHP 7.2
- Apache 2.4
So, as it turns out, I get this error when installing via the taoInstall.php script. When using the web installer, I still get an error, but it functions after a reboot. I'm now trying the install using a config file, although functionality which generates a template doesn't seem to exist that I've found. Maybe would be a good feature request?
Is there any news on that matter? I'm still getting this error.
[Sun Oct 11 01:14:29.178354 2020] [php7:error] [pid 22636:tid 1808] [client ::1:58163] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: core_kernel_classes_Resource::__serialize() must return an array in C:\xampp\htdocs\tao\tao\models\classes\mvc\Bootstrap.php:183\nStack trace:\n#0 C:\xampp\htdocs\tao\tao\models\classes\mvc\Bootstrap.php(183): session_write_close()\n#1 C:\xampp\htdocs\tao\tao\models\classes\mvc\Bootstrap.php(234): oat\tao\model\mvc\Bootstrap->dispatchHttp()\n#2 C:\xampp\htdocs\tao\index.php(31): oat\tao\model\mvc\Bootstrap->dispatch()\n#3 {main}\n thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\tao\tao\models\classes\mvc\Bootstrap.php on line 183, referer: http://localhost/tao/tao/Main/login?redirect=%2Ftao%2FtaoCe%2FMain%2Findex&msg=Access%20denied.%20Please%20renew%20your%20authentication%21
[Sun Oct 11 01:14:29.192366 2020] [php7:notice] [pid 22636:tid 1808] [client ::1:58163] PHP Notice: session_start(): Unexpected end of serialized data in C:\xampp\htdocs\tao\tao\models\classes\mvc\Bootstrap.php on line 279, referer: http://localhost/tao/tao/Main/login?redirect=%2Ftao%2FtaoCe%2FMain%2Findex&msg=Access%20denied.%20Please%20renew%20your%20authentication%21
[Sun Oct 11 01:14:29.192366 2020] [php7:warn] [pid 22636:tid 1808] [client ::1:58163] PHP Warning: session_start(): Failed to decode session object. Session has been destroyed in C:\xampp\htdocs\tao\tao\models\classes\mvc\Bootstrap.php on line 279, referer: http://localhost/tao/tao/Main/login?redirect=%2Ftao%2FtaoCe%2FMain%2Findex&msg=Access%20denied.%20Please%20renew%20your%20authentication%21
I don't want to use the installer since I've already a working xampp. Is there a way to fix this without reinstallation?
Any luck?
Any news? I have exactly the same problem after installation of 3.3-rc02 at ubuntu 20.04 and PHP 7.4