Correct way to get path-params when using ENDPOINT_ASYNC
puneetugru opened this issue · 4 comments
Hi Leonid,
I've been using oatpp with Sync APIs for my project.
For one of the REST API, I'm getting path-params as below (in SYNC API),
ENDPOINT("POST", "{path-param1}/{path-param2}/temperature", getTemperature,
REQUEST(std::shared_ptr<IncomingRequest>, request), // Map request object to endpoint method
PATH(String, pathParam1, "path-param1"),
PATH(String, pathParam2, "path-param2"),
BODY_DTO(DataDto::ObjectWrapper, dataDto)) {
OATPP_LOGD("MyApp", "Received nodeId value=%s", pathParam1->std_str().c_str());
OATPP_LOGD("MyApp", "Received sensorId value=%s", pathParam2->std_str().c_str());
OATPP_LOGD("MyApp", "Received value for type=%s", dataDto->type->std_str().c_str());
OATPP_LOGD("MyApp", "Received value for timestamp=%ld", dataDto->timestamp->getValue());
OATPP_LOGD("MyApp", "Received value for temperature=%lf", dataDto->temperature->getValue());
/* return result */
return createDtoResponse(Status::CODE_202, dataDto);
Now, I would like to convert this into an ASYNC API, along with extraction on path-params.
For that, I added code as below,
ENDPOINT_ASYNC("POST", "{path-param1}/{path-param2}/temperature", getTemperature,
PATH(String, pathParam1, "path-param1"),
PATH(String, pathParam2, "path-param2")){
Action act() override {
return request->readBodyToDtoAsync<dataDto>(controller->getDefaultObjectMapper())
Action onBodyObtained(const DataDto::ObjectWrapper& dataDto) {
OATPP_LOGD("MyApp", "Received nodeId value=%s", pathParam1->std_str().c_str());
OATPP_LOGD("MyApp", "Received sensorId value=%s", pathParam2->std_str().c_str());
OATPP_LOGD("MyApp", "Received value for type=%s", dataDto->type->std_str().c_str());
OATPP_LOGD("MyApp", "Received value for timestamp=%ld", dataDto->timestamp->getValue());
OATPP_LOGD("MyApp", "Received value for temperature=%lf", dataDto->temperature->getValue());
/* return result */
return _return(controller->createDtoResponse(Status::CODE_202, dataDto));
But, I'm getting below compilation errors,
error: macro "ENDPOINT_ASYNC" passed 5 arguments, but takes just 3
PATH(String, pathParam2, "path-param2")){
I would like to know how to extract path-params when using ASYNC APIs.
I'm able to get the path parameters below way,
ENDPOINT_ASYNC("POST", "{path-param1}/{path-param2}/temperature", getTemperature) {
String pathParam1;
String pathParam2;
Action act() override {
pathParam1 = request->getPathVariable("path-param1");
pathParam2 = request->getPathVariable("path-param2");
return request->readBodyToDtoAsync<DataDto>(controller->getDefaultObjectMapper())
Action onBodyObtained(const DataDto::ObjectWrapper& dataDto) {
OATPP_LOGD("MyApp", "Received nodeId value=%s", pathParam1->std_str().c_str());
OATPP_LOGD("MyApp", "Received sensorId value=%s", pathParam2->std_str().c_str());
OATPP_LOGD("MyApp", "Received value for type=%s", dataDto->type->std_str().c_str());
OATPP_LOGD("MyApp", "Received value for timestamp=%ld", dataDto->timestamp->getValue());
OATPP_LOGD("MyApp", "Received value for temperature=%lf", dataDto->temperature->getValue());
/* return result */
return _return(controller->createDtoResponse(Status::CODE_202, dataDto));
But, can you tell me whether this is correct or something needs to be changed further?
- Thanks,
Puneet Ugru
Hello @puneetugru ,
Yes you are correct - this is the right way to get path variables when using ENDPOINT_ASYNC
param = request->getPathVariable("path-param-name");
Best Regards,
Hi @lganzzzo,
I found using this way I cannot set the path variable through Swagger, an example is like
Do I have any options to change this?
Also, I will receive [ApiController]: Error. Non-async call to async endpoint.
when switching to the async endpoint. Do you know what's it about?
Hello @ReturnHttp418 ,
If you are using Async API - you have to manually add all swagger params inside the ENDPOINT_INFO
Also, I will receive [ApiController]: Error. Non-async call to async endpoint. when switching to the async endpoint. Do you know what's it about?
If you are using Async Endpoints, you have to use AsyncHttpConnectionHandler