How to set application type as application/json when using ENDPOINT_ASYNC?
puneetugru opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi Leonid,
I'm using ENDPOINT_ASYNC to support APIs in the project, like an example below.
ENDPOINT_ASYNC("POST", "{path-param}/rangedata", getRangeData) {
String pathParam;
Action act() override {
pathParam = request->getPathVariable("path-param");
return request->readBodyToDtoAsync<RangeRequestDto>(controller->getDefaultObjectMapper())
Action onBodyObtained(const RangeRequestDto::ObjectWrapper& requestDto) {
OATPP_LOGD("MyApp", "Received clientId value=%s", pathParam->std_str().c_str());
OATPP_LOGD("MyApp", "Received value for sensorID=%s", requestDto->sensorID->std_str().c_str());
std::string sensorName = "sensor:";
sensorName += requestDto->sensorID->std_str();
/*Get the data from Redis Instance*/
auto redisConnection = RedisHandler::getInstance();
redisConnection->redisZRANGE(sensorName, 0, std::stoi(requestDto->timeRange->std_str()), valueList);
auto responseDto = RangeResponseDto::createShared();
for(auto i: valueList)
/* return result */
return _return(controller->createDtoResponse(Status::CODE_201, responseDto));
Here, valueList is filled with string values, which is temperature reading from a sensor.
The values are then pushed in to the readings list of the DTO.
The DTO for the same is as below,
class RangeResponseDto : public oatpp::data::mapping::type::Object {
DTO_INIT(RangeResponseDto, Object /* Extends */)
DTO_FIELD(List::ObjectWrapper, readings) = List::createShared();
I would like to know how to set application type as JSON in the header for this response.
- Thanks,
The data is sent in JSON format, the issue was with the server.
Hello @puneetugru ,
As far as you use controller->createDtoResponse(Status::CODE_201, responseDto)
and your default object mapper for the controller is set to oatpp::parser::json::mapping::ObjectMapper
- it should already include Content-Type: application/json
in the response headers.
In case you want to add some custom headers:
auto response = controller->createDtoResponse(Status::CODE_201, responseDto);
response-> putHeader("X-My-Header", "My-Value");
return _return(response);
Best Regards,