
Ugly exit from fzf integration

AvianAnalyst opened this issue · 3 comments

With the provided fzf integration commands, if you run one, but decide to abort the operation, you have to quit twice. Is there a better solution for this?

Had the same issues, solved it with this

list=$(trash list | fzf --multi)
if [[ -n $list ]]; then
    echo $list | awk '{$1=$1;print}' | rev | cut -d ' ' -f1 | rev | xargs trash restore --match=exact --force
    echo "Aborted"

Thank you! sorry for the slow reply. I'm trying to try this out but im unclear. is this verbatim an alias? or a function? specifically unsure how the if block is connected into the previous line. or is the whole thing just the function body?

it's upto you how you want to use it. You can inline everything and alias it or wrap it in a script/function.

the if block just checks whether $list is empty or not

PS: i noted there a missing whitespace in the example above.
fix: [[ -n $list ]];