
Thanks for the inspiration

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I've just released a new open-source project that was originally based on tasseo, so I thought I should drop you a quick note first and foremost to say thanks. Tasseo is a really cool project and it was really fun playing with it, looking at the code, and drawing (lots of) great ideas from it.

It would be great to find ways to collaborate somehow for the benefit of the graphite community.

The project is called giraffe and is available on github. Would be great to hear what you think, get some feedback or share ideas.


(not sure what 🤘 means, but hope it's something positive)

Didn't I bump into you recently in rickshaw-land?? :) I didn't make the connection...

Haha, it's a sign of my enthusiasm. I hope to give this a spin soon, as it looks promising. And yeah, you helped me out some Ajax / Rickshaw stuff. Many thanks!

@gingerlime Cool stuff. I mentioned it on Twitter earlier today, looks like you got a nice bump in watchers (star-ers). 👍

Thanks a bunch. It's really nice to see such good attitude all round.