
New Version

Closed this issue · 5 comments


I think I just got a new version of this via brew and Its actually annoying that you are hitting dig each time. This makes opening a new shell takes very much longer than if one has a call to archey in their respective .zshrc/.bashrc Can you cache this somehow, I like the feature just not the new call each time.

Hi @fxfactorial,

I haven't released a new version in a while, I was about to however some issues came up and I wanted to look into them first. One is related to dig so I will hopefully be finding a solution to this.


Odd, FWIW another difference is the coloring of the Apple symbol this time rather than before.

Free suggestion?

make a file with the IP address, then on each usage of archey do a stat on it, if time difference from now is greater than say six hours then refresh with new call to dig, otherwise use the current value.

Could you run brew info archey for me and let me know the results? The colour I know was introduced a while ago but it (from what I remember) wasn't a default setting, it required archey -c to turn it on...

~ ❯❯❯ brew info archey
archey: stable 1.5, HEAD
Archey script for OS X
/usr/local/Cellar/archey/1.5 (4 files, 16K) *
  Built from source

@fxfactorial Somebody else released version 1.5 for me and I didn't even notice, so that explains why you noticed the change. I'll look into this soon and get back to you. Thanks!