
Won't uninstall or upgrade on Monterey beta

OKNoah opened this issue · 3 comments

Maybe expected. I went into recovery mode and security settings and allowed system kernel extensions, but still no joy. Oddly, it seems Block Block is still installed.

/BlockBlock\ Installer.app/Contents/MacOS/BlockBlock\ Installer ; exit;
MBDisplay: creating data for display 0x7BD7F9B9 (main) with bounds o=[0.000000, 0.000000], s=[1440.000000, 900.000000]
MBInstance: setting bounds for user menubar on display 0x7BD7F9B9 (main) with bounds o=[0.000000, 0.000000], s=[1440.000000, 24.000000]
No matching processes belonging to you were found
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...

Any workaround to install in Monterey? Beta 2 is expected to drop anytime, Thx!!

The BlockBlock Installer app is essentially a wrapper around a bash shell script.

You can modify this script in a text editor. I will use Visual Studio Code here, from a shell prompt in the Terminal.app:

% code /Users/"${USER}"/Downloads/BlockBlock Installer.app/Contents/Resources/configure.sh

(VS Code is absurd overkill, you could patch this with a single line of sed or even vi, but maybe using Code is more familiar.)

In the editor, comment out the operating system version check, I see it at lines 18 - 25:

#OS version check
# only support 10.15+
OSVers="$(sw_vers -productVersion)"
if [[ ("${OSVers:0:2}" -ne 11) && ("${OSVers:3:2}" -lt 15) ]]; then
    printf "\nERROR: ${OSVers} is currently unsupported"
    printf "BlockBlock requires macOS 10.15+\n\n"
    exit -1

Select this code block, then type Command-/ ⌘/ to comment it out:

#OS version check
# only support 10.15+
# OSVers="$(sw_vers -productVersion)"
# if [[ ("${OSVers:0:2}" -ne 11) && ("${OSVers:3:2}" -lt 15) ]]; then
#     printf "\nERROR: ${OSVers} is currently unsupported"
#     printf "BlockBlock requires macOS 10.15+\n\n"
#     exit -1
# fi

Save the changes, then go back to Terminal.app and run the configure.sh as root to run the uninstaller section of this script:

% sudo /Users/"${USER}"/Downloads/BlockBlock Installer.app/Contents/Resources/configure.sh -uninstall

You can read the script to see which services are unloaded and the files that get deleted.

I deleted my modified "BlockBlock Installer.app" -- I will run a new version that supports Monterey once this new world without kernel extensions is figured out.