
BlockBlock Helper 2.2.0 hangs on open

Chasapple4 opened this issue · 4 comments

macOS 11.7.10
Can't get a sample as Activity Monitor hangs

BlockBlock background process is not hanging

Thanks for the bug report!
Any other info (macOS version)/steps to repo? (clean install, upgrade, etc etc).

Will keep testing on this end.

Oh, and one more idea:

Can you run: log stream | grep BlockBlock from a terminal, and then try to (re)install/repo? This should give more information / what it going wrong. Thank you!

Terminal Saved Output.txt
Upgrade from Version 2.1.5

Strange this is supposed to be in https://github.com/objective-see/BlockBlock/issues but GitHub moved it for some reason

Fixed in 2.2.1