
GoogleMaps_TemplatesService.php data function looks to be broken

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When calling the data function on line 96 of GoogleMaps_TemplatesService.php the inputted $data is decoded and then not used. On the next line (102) $data is being reset to a new GoogleMaps_MapDataModel that is empty because the decoded $data variable is not getting passed in, $value is getting passed in an is type hinted as a array, so I suspect it's being set to an empty array by default so it's not throwing an error.

GoogleMaps_TemplatesService.php -> data()

public function data($id, $data = '', $options = array())
            $data = json_decode($data);

            $data = new GoogleMaps_MapDataModel((array) $value);

        craft()->templates->includeJs('new GoogleMaps.MapData('.$id.','.$data->toJson().','.$this->jsonEncode($options).');');

Should be :

public function data($id, $data = '', $options = array())
            $data = json_decode($data);

            $data = new GoogleMaps_MapDataModel((array) $data);

        craft()->templates->includeJs('new GoogleMaps.MapData('.$id.','.$data->toJson().','.$this->jsonEncode($options).');');