
Professional resume.


Email ~ objektwerks@runbox.com

2013 – Present | FL | Consultant | Scala Engineer ~ Design and build Scala distributed, web and desktop apps.

  • 2024 | Objektwerks, FL | Scala Engineer ~ Designed and built open source Http service, House, allowing house builders and owners to track house drawings, issues and components. Virtual threads used via Tapir and Ox. [Scala 3, Jsoniter, Scaffeine, JoddMail, ScalikeJdbc, PostgreSql, Tapir, Ox, Sbt, Git] (github.com/objektwerks/house)

  • 2024 | Objektwerks, FL | Scala Engineer ~ Designed and built open source app, Lawncare, allowing lawn care providers to track properties, sessions and issues, to include email notification. Virtual threads used via Helidon and Ox. [Scala 3, ScalaFx, Jsoniter, Scaffeine, JoddMail, ScalikeJdbc, PostgreSql, Helidon, Ox, Sbt, Git] (github.com/objektwerks/lawncare)

  • 2024 | Objektwerks, FL | Scala Engineer ~ Designed and built ScalaFx custom open source form layout and controls. [Scala 3, Sbt, Git] [github.com/objektwerks/scalafx.form]

  • 2023 | Objektwerks, FL | Scala Engineer ~ Designed and built open source apps, Swimmer and Walker, featuring tracking and analysis of swimming and walking metrics, calories burned and weight. Virtual threads used via Helidon and Ox. [Scala 3, ScalaFx, Jsoniter, Scaffeine, JoddMail, ScalikeJdbc, PostgreSql, Helidon, Ox, Sbt, Git] (github.com/objektwerks/swimmer)(github.com/objektwerks/walker)

  • 2023 | Objektwerks, FL | Scala Engineer ~ Designed and built open source app, Health Balance, featuring tracking and analysis of edibles, drinkables, expendables and measurables. Virtual threads used via Helidon and Ox. [Scala 3, ScalaFx, Jsoniter, Scaffeine, JoddMail, ScalikeJdbc, PostgreSql, Helidon, Ox, Sbt, Git] (github.com/objektwerks/health.balance)

  • 2023 | Objektwerks, FL | Scala Engineer ~ Designed and built open source app, Ciphers, featuring analysis of 23 ciphers based on text, number and date input. [Scala 3, ScalaFx, Sbt, Git] (github.com/objektwerks/ciphers)

  • 2022 - 2023 | Objektwerks, FL | Scala Engineer ~ Designed and built personal and enterprise open source app, Pool Balance, featuring tracking and analysis of cleaning, measurement and chemical events. Virtual threads used via Helidon and Ox. [Scala 3, ScalaFx, Scaffeine, ScalikeJdbc, H2, Postgresql, Jsoniter, JoddMail, Helidon, Ox, Sbt, Git] (github.com/objektwerks/pool.balance)

Rebuilt as distributed ScalaJs app. [Scala 3, Jsoniter, Scalikejdbc, Laminar, Waypoint, W3.CSS, Chart.js, Scaffeine, JoddMail, Postgresql, Helidon, Ox, Snowpack, Sbt, Git] (github.com/objektwerks/pool.balance.w)

Rebuilt as distributed app using Swing and ZIO. [Scala 3, Swing, FlatLaf, ZIO 2, ZIO-Http, ZIO-Quill, ZIO-Json, Postgresql] (github.com/objektwerks/pool.balance.z)

  • 2022 | Objektwerks, FL | Scala Engineer ~ Designed and built open source web app, Work Order, which links homeowners and service providers via work orders and email notification. [Typescript, Html, Css, W3C.css, Express, Nodemailer, Mysql, Nodejs, Git] (github.com/objektwerks/work.order)

Rebuilt as distributed app using ScalaJs. [Scala 3, ScalaJs, Laminar, Waypoint, Cask, uPickle, Scaffeine, ScalikeJdbc, Mysql, JoddMail, Sbt, Git] (github.com/objektwerks/work.order.scala)

  • 2020 - 2021 | Objektwerks, FL | Scala Engineer ~ Designed and built open source app, Health Charts, sourced by csv-txt files, targeting 11 health charts. [Scala 3, Swing, JFreeCharts, Sbt, Git] (github.com/objektwerks/healthcharts)

  • 2020 - 2021 | Baptist Health South Florida, FL | Consultant | Scala Engineer ~ Designed and built Spark Job with embedded Akka-Http rest server that processes diet data requests via a Spark cluster. SSL-enabled Akka-Http rest app. [Scala 2.12, Spark 3, Akka-Http 10, uPickle 1.2, Sbt, Git]

  • 2020 | FormsLogic, IL | Consultant | Scala Engineer ~ Built new web service calls and enhanced pdf reports for a form-driven workflow app. [Scala 2.11, Play 2, Postgresql 9, Anorm, Jaspersoft Studio, Sbt, Git]

  • 2020 | NYISO, NY | Consultant | Scala Engineer ~ Built proprietary workflow-directed Spark batch jobs sourced, joined, transformed and sinked from and to multiple Delta Lake date partitioned parquet tables. [Scala 2.12, Spark 2.4, Delta Lake 0.5, Cats 2.1, AWS-S3, Sbt, Git]

  • 2019 | Baptist Health South Florida, FL | Consultant | Scala Engineer ~ Designed and built Kafka-Spark-MapR streaming job; BlackBaud rest service; Cerner rest service; and multiple Spark-Hive ETL apps. [Scala 2.12, Spark 2.4, Hive 3, Akka-Http 10, ScalikeJdbc 3.4, uPickle 1.0, Sbt, Git, Azure]

  • 2019 | Florida Blue, FL | Consultant | Scala Engineer ~ Designed and built HBase-Rules-DB2 Spark pipeline on dataset of HBase row keys scanned pre-Spark session. HBase client, via distributed dataset foreach, gets Json by row key. Json is parsed into Scala and update rules applied to DB2 tables. [Scala 2.11, Spark 2.3, ScalikeJdbc, PlayJson, Sbt, Gradle, GitLab]

  • 2018 | Starbucks, WA | Consultant | Scala Engineer ~ Designed and built customer order history event-driven pipelines, defined by web service sources, event flows and web service sinks. Built custom Akka-Http directives and Scala-Xml bindings. [Scala 2.12, Azure EventHub, Circe 0.8, Cats 1.0, Cassandra 3.5, Sbt, Git]

  • 2017 | Objektwerks, FL | Scala Engineer ~ Designed and built open source app, Homeschool, featuring tracking of students and courses by grade and analysis of assignments and aggregate course scores. [Scala 3, ScalaFx, Slick, H2, Sbt, Git] (github.com/objektwerks/homeschool)

  • 2017 | Objektwerks, FL | Scala Engineer ~ Designed and built open source app, Poolmate, featuring tracking and analysis of pools, to include pumps, timers, heaters and surfaces as well as cleanings, measurements, chemicals, supplies and repairs. [Scala 3, ScalaFx, Slick, H2, Sbt, Git] (github.com/objektwerks/poolmate)

  • 2016 | Bottle Rocket, TX | Consultant | Scala Engineer ~ Designed and built Mongodb-Csv-Sftp-Smtp integration app for national fast-food chain. Closed multiple Jira tickets. [Scala 2.11, ReactiveMongo, Spray, Sbt, Git]

  • 2016 | HERE, IL | Consultant | Scala Engineer ~ Designed and built Akka cluster driven by RabbitMq and dynamic cluster-aware master-worker actor pairs that validate map data consumed from an AWS-S3 service. Built map data store change listener; RabbitMq connector; and Akka-Http and Akka-Streams queue routers. [Scala 2.11, PlayJSON, Sbt, Git]

  • 2015 | Adjoy, FL | Consultant | Scala Engineer ~ Designed and built Kafka-Spark-Cassandra prototypes. [Scala 2.11, Sbt, Git]

  • 2015 | MetiStream, DC | Consultant | Scala Engineer ~ Designed and built Kafka-Spark-Cassandra ScalaFx simulator. [Scala 2.11, Sbt, Git]

  • 2014 | Time Warner, CO | Consultant | Scala Engineer ~ Designed and built Kafka-Spark-Hdfs streaming prototype. [Scala 2.11, Sbt, Git]


1997 – 2012 | FL | Consultant | Java Engineer ~ Designed and built distributed, web and desktop Java apps and components.

  • 2011 | Mad Mobile, FL | Startup | Java Engineer ~ Designed and built single page web app and NodeJs-websocket server, allowing for graphical selection of Html5 elements and construction of Css3 selectors, persisted in MongoDB as named queries, executable by remote mobile web clients for dynamic UI model-based rendering. Rebuilt with Java, JavaFX and Spring Rest due to browser constraints and JS performance and memory leak issues. [Java 7, JPA, Hibernate, H2, jQuery, Jsdom, Socket.io, Maven, Git]

  • 2011 | Catalina Marketing, FL | Consultant | Java Engineer ~ Co-architected distributed hierarchical customer ID analytics solution using Pentaho and JAX-WS web services, targeting multiple enterprise data sources and sinks. Designed and built Hadoop prototype. [Java 6, Tomcat, Oracle, Spring, JPA, Hibernate, Axis2, Jibix, Maven, Jenkins, SVN]

  • 2010 - 2011 | Disney World, FL | Consultant | Java Engineer ~ Implemented enhancements to J2EE room availability and inventory apps. Designed and built GWT inventory analysis client. [Java 5, JBoss, Oracle, Spring, JPA, Hibernate, RichFaces, Struts, Maven, Clearcase]

  • 2009 - 2010 | NDR, FL | Consultant | Java Engineer ~ Designed and built Swing-Spring DI Historical Stock Screener client, composed of financial criteria, interactive models, charts and tables, Spring-Hibernate generic entity manager, JPA entities and Spring HttpInvoker services. Designed and built daily Russell Index service with Spring Batch, Spring-Hibernate generic entity manager, JPA entities and JMX attributes. [Java 6, Tomcat, SwingX, JFreeChart, POI, Ehcache, Maven, Nexus, Hudson, SVN]

  • 2008 - 2009 | IHG, GA | Consultant | Java Engineer ~ Designed and built Spring-Hibernate generic entity manager, JPA/JAXB entities, MDPs, generic JAXB marshaller, pooled XSD validator/XSLT transformer, POX/JAX-WS/JMS services, JMX beans/aspects, JMS queue transferer and URI archiver. Designed and built ServiceMix, OSGi/SpringDM and Spring Integration prototypes. [Java 6, Groovy, Resin, Oracle, MQ, ActiveMQ, CXF, Quartz, Maven, Hudson, SVN, Scrum]

  • 2008 | Disney World, FL | Consultant | Java Engineer ~ Designed and built Spring-JPA generic entity manager and JPA entities for J2EE reservation app. Designed and built inventory adjustment components, JAX-WS services, MDPs, JMX beans, JIBIX bindings, AOP retry strategies and auditors. [Java 5, JBoss, Oracle, Hibernate, Drools, MQ, CXF, Quartz, RichFaces, Maven, Scrum]

  • 2007 | Qualcomm, CA | Consultant | Java Engineer ~ Designed and built Mule components, applications and POX web services for mobile billing integration with AT&T and Verizon. Designed and built JMX beans, AOP retry strategies and auditors. [Java 6, JBoss, Oracle, Oracle-JMS, Spring, XStream, Maven, SVN, Scrum]

  • 2007 | FPL, FL, Consultant, Java Engineer : Designed and built Swing components and features for energy trading app. [Java 6, Tomcat, Oracle, SwingX, SVN]

  • 2006 | CDC, GA | Consultant | Java Engineer ~ Designed and built Gigaspaces master-worker space composed of Spring beans that build composite reports via executors, callables and futures. Designed and built Terracotta prototype. [Java 5, Oracle, Maven, SVN]

  • 2005 | KnowledgeStorm, GA | Consultant | Java Engineer ~ Designed and built J2EE app for lifecycle-management of Nutch-Lucene indexes across JBoss cluster via Swing-Spring DI client. AOP injected custom Nutch features. Designed and built Nutch sentence-fragment summarizer. Added compression/caching to Axis web service, yielding sub-second response times. [Java 5, Oracle, Hibernate, Maven, SVN, Scrum]

  • 2005 | State Government, WA | Consultant | Java Engineer ~ Team-designed and -built J2EE criminal record web services. Built generic entity manager, entities and Swing-Hibernate query tool. [Java 5, JBoss, DB2, Axis, XStream, Maven, Perforce, CC, Scrum]

  • 2004 - 2005 | MarketGrader, FL | Startup | Java Engineer ~ Designed and built J2EE stock report app, Swing client, Java2D Swing stock component and open source Quartz DailyCalendar (see contribution @ tinyurl.com/y7frm74e). [Java 5, JBoss, MSSQL, DynamicPdf, S&P Xpressfeed, Ant, CVS, XP]

  • 2004 | Fedex, FL | Consultant | Java Engineer ~ Designed and built JAXM web service to interoperate with IBM CICS, MQ and DB2. [Java, WebLogic, XmlBeans, Ant, CVS]

  • 2004 | PWC, FL | Consultant | Java Engineer ~ Designed and built J2EE web app, allowing for development and lifecycle management of surveys, polls and tests. [Java, WebLogic, Oracle, Struts, Ant, CVS]

  • 2003 - 2004 | Nielsen Media, FL | Employee | Java Engineer ~ Designed and built Swing TV programming applet, workflow components, auditing aspects and ILOG/JRules prototypes. [Java, Weblogic, Oracle, Ant, CVS, XP]

  • 2002 - 2003 | US Navy, VA | Consultant | Java Engineer ~ Designed and built J2EE web app, allowing US Navy Seabees to manage global container logistics and integrate with US Navy accounting via POX web service. [Java, Jetty, MySql, Struts, Castor, Ant, VSS]

  • 2001 - 2002 | OTG, FL | Startup | Java Engineer ~ Team-designed and -built EAI product, composed of Jini services that execute integration components via JavaSpace messaging, lifecycle-managed by Swing client and Jini services. [Java, Tomcat, Ant, CVS, XP]

  • 2000 - 2001 | BetweenMarkets, TX | Startup | Java Engineer ~ Team-designed and -built eMarketplace product, composed of Jini services that execute SOAP web services, lifecycle-managed by Swing client and Jini services. [Java, Tomcat, Ant, CVS, XP]

  • 1999 - 2000 | Ariba, FL | Startup | Java Engineer ~ Team-designed and -built Ariba UDDI implementation in cooperation with IBM and Microsoft. Implemented Tradex product enhancements. [Java, Weblogic, Oracle, Ant, CVS]

  • 1997 - 1999 | Identitech, FL | Consultant | Java Engineer ~ Designed and built Swing property sheet component, common property editors and RMI document management apps. [Java, MySql, CVS]

  • 1997 | Kinetoscope, FL | Startup | Java Engineer ~ Team-designed and -built market analysis tool, composed of AWT client, RMI server and ObjectStore database. [Java]

  • 1993 - 1997 | FL | Consultant ~ C/C++, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Access, Delphi, PowerBuilder, SQL Server, Oracle


  1. Scala – 10
  2. Java – 16
  3. Kotlin - 1
  4. Swing – 10
  5. Spring – 8
  6. Hibernate – 8
  7. JPA – 6
  8. Web – 6
  9. Akka – 4
  10. Akka-Http – 4
  11. ScalaFx - 4
  12. ScalaJs - 2
  13. Spark – 2


  • Spark Performance Tuning with Scala [Rock the JVM: 2020, 2023]
  • Spark Optimization with Scala [Rock the JVM: 2020, 2023]
  • Apache Spark Streaming 3 with Scala [Udemy: 2019, 2023]
  • Apache Spark 3 and Big Data Essentials in Scala [Udemy: 2019, 2023]
  • ZIO 2 [Rock the JVM: 2022]
  • Advanced Scala and Functional Programming Essentials [Udemy: 2018, 2022]
  • Scala and Functional Programming Essentials [Udemy: 2018, 2022]
  • Scala and Functional Programming Interview Practice [Rock the JVM: 2020]
  • Akka Essentials with Scala [Udemy: 2019]
  • Machine Learning A-Z: Hands-on Python & R in Data Science [Udemy : 2018]


University of Maryland | BA | Asian Studies, International Business

US Navy

Intelligence | Alaska, Diego Garcia, Guam, Japan, D.C.


Macbook Air, M2, 13”, 24GB. Require similar work laptop with Admin rights.


See this Environment section for details.