
No output from JarInfo

pwntester opened this issue · 2 comments


Im trying to list all public methods in a JAR using:

jarinfo --public scala-library-2.12.8.jar

But Im getting no output from this command. Am I using it incorrecly?


usage: /usr/local/bin/jarinfo [-h] [--json] [--zip] [--manifest]
                              [--jar-classes] [--jar-provides]
                              [--jar-requires] [--class-provides]
                              [--class-requires] [--api-ignore API_IGNORE]
                              [--header] [--public] [--package] [--private]
                              [-l] [-o] [-c] [-s] [-p] [--verbose]
                              jarfiles [jarfiles ...]

positional arguments:
  jarfiles              JAR files to inspect

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --json                output in JSON mode

JAR Info Options:
  --zip                 print zip information
  --manifest            print manifest information
  --jar-classes         print information about contained classes
  --jar-provides        API provides information at the JAR level
  --jar-requires        API requires information at the JAR level

Class Info Options:
  --class-provides      API provides information at the class level
  --class-requires      API requires information at the class level
  --api-ignore API_IGNORE
                        globs of packages to not print in provides or requires
  --header              show just the class header, no members
  --public              show only public members
  --package             show public and protected members
  --private             show all members
  -l                    show the line number table
  -o                    show the local variable tables
  -c                    disassemble method code
  -s                    show internal type signatures
  -p                    show the constants pool
  --verbose             sets -locsp options and shows stack bounds

The class info section only really becomes useful when you also specify --jar-classes
