Settings in `Use React in your plugin` is wrong
julianosirtori opened this issue · 1 comments
julianosirtori commented
The step 3 on Configure your plugin is wrong.
I follow this step on obsidian-sample-plugin
and I get this error:
app.js:1 Plugin failure: hello-world SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' (at VM1002 plugin:hello-world:23534:10)
at eval (<anonymous>)
at app.js:1:2026541
at e.<anonymous> (app.js:1:2026642)
at app.js:1:237258
at (app.js:1:237363)
at a (app.js:1:236081)
When I make this change on tsconfig.ts
works for me:
"compilerOptions": {
"jsx": "react-jsx"
I can make this adjustment on documentation, but I would like like confirm this fix is correct?
4mdosx commented
I encountered the same issue, changing "jsx": "preserve" to "jsx": "react" made it work.
Your adjustment is better as it eliminates the need to add import React from 'react'
in every tsx file.
It seems that the documentation should be updated.