Feature request — expanding the sample plugin with more examples/features
nightgolfer opened this issue · 1 comments
Speaking from personal experience, and a very skimpy coding background, getting started with Obsidian plugins is very hard.
There are very few guides and examples to find, and the documentation is sparse. Looking through the code of existing plugins on GitHub is a good option, but it's hard to know which have the functionality you're looking to replicate, and many are so expansive that isolating one feature can be daunting for a newcomer.
I would like to suggest expanding this sample plugin with more examples/features/functionality.
Some suggestions could be:
- how to create a leaf for a plugin in the right sidebar
- how to perform a search of a given word/words in a document
- how to output HTML for leaf content layouts
- some examples of how scoping works
I realise that my low skill level means that I need more help than most, but I'm sure that others would find it useful to have this plugin fleshed out a bit as well. Hopefully, someone with more skill than I will be able to look into some of these suggestions 😃
Thanks for an awesome piece of software!
By default it might be best to keep this sample plugin bare-bones.
However, I agree with you. The developer docs don't go into a lot of detail and developing a plugin for Obsidian involves a lot of digging through type declarations and the source code of community plugins.
A good turnkey solution could be to link to community plugins in this repos documentation that the team thinks follow best practices and demo commonly used features.
Unfortunately, I can't think of any community plugins I've dug through that touch on any of the suggestions you list here 😅
Maybe we could create a PR with a new markdown file linked to from the README in something like community-examples.md
with a list of features and the plugins that touch on them.
If you've created a plugin in the months since posting this, we could include it and a link for your suggestions on how to work with leaves, searching, and scoping.
Another example, for my first plugin I referred to https://github.com/tth05/obsidian-completr/tree/master to learn how to use a suggestion popup