
Version number for tags and releases

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Following the instructions in the README, if we run
yarn version [major | minor | patch

Yarn will do a number of things, including create a git tag with the next version, but that tag will be of the form V# (e.g., v1.0.0)

But README also states to not include prefix 'v' in the tag version.

Instead I propose that the commands instructions should be

# make sure to rebuild main.js
yarn build 
# make sure to update minAppVersion (min Obsidian version) in manifest.json to whatever is required
# bumps package.json, versions.json, manifest.json (note that yarn has an internal version scrip that runs before the version script in package.json)
yarn version --new-version [major | minor | patch] --no-git-tag-version
git tag <version_num, no V!>
git push origin <version_num>
# use gh cli, or go to github to create a release
gh release create <version_num> manifest.json main.js <any other files> --title "Version <version_num>" --notes "<Version Note>"

So I think one of my issues is that this repo uses npm (.npmrc does have the version configured to not add a 'v').

The instructions in my previous comment work for yarn v1, but for yarn v4, I think one wants

# make sure to rebuild main.js
yarn build 
# make sure to update minAppVersion (min Obsidian version) in manifest.json to whatever is required
yarn version [major | minor | patch]
# separately run the package.json version script
yarn run version 
git tag <version_num, no V!>
git push origin <version_num>
# use gh cli, or go to github to create a release
gh release create <version_num> manifest.json main.js <any other files> --title "Version <version_num>" --notes "<Version Note>"

This likely affects only those using yarn instead of npm.