
Radeon Software 21.4.1+ AVC/HEVC Failed to start recording

Neoony opened this issue · 4 comments

OBS not working with AVC/HEVC encoding with latest AMD drivers (21.4.1 or higher)

I created issue at OBS repo, not gonna recreate the whole issue at this repo, but check here:

Hoping for more recognition. Did not realize AMD support is separate git repo.

Same issue here, I had to go back to driver 21.3.2 to be able to use the AMD encoder.

Ok, so I went to discord to ask and Jessica | tielqt suggested to DDU and install new drivers again.
Although I tried that with drivers before 21.6.2

But this time with 21.6.2 it helped.

DDU in safe mode and restart
then installed newest chipset drivers (X370)
then installed newest AMD drivers 21.6.2

And now I get no error with OBS anymore

so for me with Radeon VII, its resolved.

For older cards it was not fixed and probably will not be, because amd dropped support.

Tried using DDU to uninstall and installed the drivers back, still gives me the same error, RX 5700 XT so I don't think it depends on whether or not the card is old.