
anomaly: "Assert_failure src/expression.ml:599:18"

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Opening the following .ml file with Cameleer causes this error message to be displayed:

anomaly: "Assert_failure src/expression.ml:599:18"

The code is as follows:

type 'a t = {
  default: 'a;
  mutable table: 'a array;
  (* invariant: the length of the array [table] is nonzero *)

let make n x =
  assert (n > 0);
  let default = x
  and table = Array.make n x in
  { default; table }

This happens with and without a matching .mli file.

Thank you for reporting. I guess I was being really lazy and not supporting let..and expressions :)

#24 should fix this.