conjunctive clauses are discarded
n-osborne opened this issue · 0 comments
n-osborne commented
Currently, we look at the head of a clause (the first node in the term AST) to decide whether it contains the infomration we are looking for. This will disqualify any clause constructed as a conjunction.
For example, the following file:
type 'a t
(*@ mutable model contents : 'a list *)
val make : int -> 'a -> 'a t
(*@ t = make i a
ensures t.contents = List.init i (fun j -> a) *)
val set : 'a t -> int -> 'a -> unit
(*@ set t i a
modifies t.contents
ensures true /\ t.contents = List.mapi (fun j x -> if j = (i : integer) then a else x) (old t.contents) *)
will raise:
$ ortac qcheck-stm file.mli "make 42 0" "int t" -o /dev/null
File "file.mli", line 10, characters 13-23:
10 | modifies t.contents
Warning: Skipping set: model contents is declared as modified by the function
but no translatable ensures clause was found.
This is a limitation for the generation of next_state
and init_state
that should be easy to overcome.