
Fix use of footer tag on learn page

lindaokorie27 opened this issue · 7 comments


The "See Full List" links under the books and tutorials section on the learn page is enclosed in a paragraph tag which is enclosed in a footer tag. This is semantically wrong as screen readers would misinterpret the footer tag there to be an actual footer.

You can view the page here.


To view the code with the issue,

  1. navigate to the index.md file in the site/learn folder.
  2. Locate the div with id main-contents and the second div under it with the class row.
  3. Under the div with class row, look through the second and third section tags for the footer tag.

Current result

see full list

This is the code as it is now:

see full list code

Possible Fix

I suggest that the footer tag be removed all together and paragraph tag turned to a div tag. While taking note to transfer the present styling to the div.

I think this is a good first issue for someone to work on @gs0510

Hello I am interested in working on this issue.

Thanks for opening this issue @LindieK! @JackieBinya you can go ahead and work on this issue :)

The "See Full List" links under the books and tutorials section on the learn page is enclosed in a paragraph tag which is enclosed in a footer tag. This is semantically wrong as screen readers would misinterpret the footer tag there to be an actual footer.

Hi @LindieK. Thanks for opening the issue. I would love to explore this out of curiosity. Do you have a reference which you can point me to regarding screen readers and use of section footers? As far as I know, as highlighted here by MDN documentation, use of section footers is okay and encouraged too.

@nibble0101 I have read throught the MDN doc you linked and it would seem that the use of it here is correct. @gs0510 should @JackieBinya stop work on this issue?

@JackieBinya Are you still working on this?

@nibble0101 If @JackieBinya is working on this issue, you can perhaps pick another one :)

Hello @gs0510 , I am an outreachy applicant, If this issue is still available, I would like to work on it.
Or if there is any other issue available, Please assign it to me.