
Installation not working on Mac

pongy20 opened this issue · 6 comments

I downloaded the installer for mac (OS version: 13.5.1) but it don't works. There is no background removal filter in camera filters. Do you have any ideas ?

Please post here the screenshot and the log that shows the plugin is not installed.

THanks for the reply, i simple sownloaded the .pkg file from the assets sections and followed the installation process without any problem. THan i restarted OBS and tried to apply the filter but it was not shown.
Is there something else i have to do to use this plugin?

Can you post here the log? Logs can be obtained from the help menu.

2023-09-05 21-53-41.txt
2023-09-05 22-01-39.txt
2023-09-05 22-05-00.txt
2023-09-06 07-52-57.txt

I the logs there is the line that says: Module '/Users/ericdupont/Library/Application Support/obs-studio/plugins/obs-backgroundremoval.plugin/Contents/MacOS/obs-backgroundremoval' not loaded

The latest version of the plugin only supports OBS 29.1.2 or after. Your OBS is 29.0.2 and too old for the plugin.
Please update the OBS and try it again.


Thanks man, works perfectly fine :)