
Low framerate when running 2 instances of background removal.

MasoBall opened this issue · 14 comments

Describe the bug

I have 2 cams setup and whenever I use this remove background filter with both of them my OBS framerate cannot stay at 60 because of the frames missed due to rendering lag, even though I have plenty of CPU and GPU headroom. This is without even recording or streaming.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Have 2 cam sources on OBS.
  2. Have both cams utilize this background removal filter.
  3. Note extreme framerate drop through OBS even before recording or streaming.

Expected behavior

To be able to utilize background removal on 2 different cams at the same time without tanking frames.

Log and Crash Report


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10 and Windows 11
  • Plugin Version: 1.1.5
  • OBS Version: 29.1.3

Additional context

I7-9700K, RTX 3060 12GB, 16GB Ram

🤔 this is a tough problem to crack.
Are you using GPU acceleration option? e.g. "GPU (DirectML)"

I think if we had native CUDA support on Windows - it might do the trick and fully utilize your 3060.

@umireon CUDA support on Windows is possible - the problem is the access to CUDA DLLs (cudart and cublas)
maybe we can make a Windows release compiled vs. CUDA and ask users to copy the 2-3 DLLs from their CUDA folder?

@MasoBall Can you post here the screenshot of the properties on the obs-backgroundremoval filter? We need the entire property screen on both cameras to investigate why our plugin has so heavy load.

@royshil We can create two variants of our plugin for Windows: DirectML edition and TensorRT (CUDA) edition. These need to be separate binaries because Microsoft does not provide us with the pre-built library that includes both DirectML support and CUDA support. But, yes, it is technically possible.

@royshil I'm using GPU - DirectML. Also @umireon here's the screenshots of the properties. Thanks for the reply I'm excited to see this potentially get fixed!

background removal

I suppose that the Robust Video Matting model is one of the most calculation-heavy ones. @royshil Is this correct?
I recommend you try the MediaPipe model which is default and not so calculation-heavy.

@royshil It would be great to output the value of the properties to the OBS log when the plugin is loaded and the properties of the plugin changed.

@royshil It would be great to output the value of the properties to the OBS log when the plugin is loaded and the properties of the plugin changed.

@umireon sure that's easy enough to do. do you want to open an issue? i can implement it quick

@umireon i'm thinking about windows CUDA. it shouldnt be very hard, we already supported it in the past, through the NuGet pre-built binary DLLs
do you want to add another build option to https://github.com/obs-ai/onnxruntime-static-win/blob/main/Build-Windows.ps1 to also build a CUDA version? or is it too dificult to do in a github workflow (e.g. getting a CUDA-enabled build system)
we can try to use the NuGet builds again

sure that's easy enough to do. do you want to open an issue? i can implement it quick

This is quite a straightforward feature and it would not need the tracking issue.

do you want to add another build option to https://github.com/obs-ai/onnxruntime-static-win/blob/main/Build-Windows.ps1 to also build a CUDA version? or is it too dificult to do in a github workflow (e.g. getting a CUDA-enabled build system)

Building CUDA-related things on GitHub Actions hosted runner is nearly impossible. Microsoft builds the CUDA-enabled runtime on Azure DevOps, not on GitHub Actions. I don't think we can build ONNX Runtime with CUDA EP because its build process is very complex.

@umireon so how about we use https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.gpu prebuilt binaries for CUDA?

We need an new issue to discuss CUDA on Windows 😓

I have no idea if it's from the latest update or not, but when I change one of the cams to MediaPipe while leaving the other at Robust Video Matting I'm now able to get a solid 60fps during my test stream!