
Release v1.1.7

royshil opened this issue · 11 comments

we have several imporant features and bugfixes to release.

@umireon what do you think?

Of course, yes, we can go with a new release!

release incoming

Just checking -- I got this new release for Mac OS and ran the binary installer as usual, and saw no problems. However, after I start up OBS, it continues to give me the alert saying there's a new version of Background Removal available! Is there a reason continues to say that, like maybe I do actually need to uninstall the old version first or something? I'm new to OBS so I'm not sure where to look but I assure you I ran the installer on this latest 1.1.7 release, but I was not expecting to see the alert when I restarted OBS saying there was a new version available. I can't find any obvious way to confirm which version of the plugin is installed when I'm actually in OBS. Let me know if I can give more detail or if perhaps when you look you'll realize maybe the release posted here is actually not correctly updated for macOS or something. (?) Thanks.

Update: I actually found the version info both in the OBS logs and in the obs-backgroundremoval.plugin/Contents/Info.plist file, and .. as suspected .. it appears to be version 1.1.6 instead of version 1.1.7.

Can you double-check that the correct version was uploaded? I only downloaded this latest build from today because I got the alert when I ran OBS earlier, and downloaded it twice to make sure I had the right Mac installer binary, but .. after two attemps, and the file timestamps updated to today's date in .../obs-backgroundremoval.plugin/..., it appears maybe the version here on GitHub marked as release 1.1.7 is actually still marked as 1.1.6? Thanks.

Last update: yep -- I was right. I am no expert, but I poke around and on the downloaded release marked as v1.1.7 on the Releases page, the MacOS binary installer shows up as version 1.1.6 instead of 1.1.7! Not sure if the version is just wrong in the PackageInfo file, or if it's actually the previous release.

To verify this, I downloaded the .pkg file for MacOS, and ran:
% xar -t -f .../obs-backgroundremoval-1.1.7-macos-universal.pkg
% cat ./obs-backgroundremoval-flat.pkg/PackageInfo

... and that file shows itself as version 1.1.6 instead of version 1.1.7!


@slgoldberg you're right. it's my bad. i've forgot to bump the version in buildspec.json
it's done and building now, so the real new release will be out in a moment

Awesome, @royshil -- thanks for taking such quick care of it! :-) I kinda thought that was the problem but I didn't know if it was safe to just bump the version number myself, so better this way! :-)

Thanks again.

Downloaded and verified it now shows up correctly as v1.1.7! Thanks again.
