

johardy1956 opened this issue · 14 comments


QUESTION : Why is there is NO Background colour option? How can I get this?

I can not get this obs-backgroundremoval-1.1.7-macos-universal to work.
MacBook Pro running OS Ventura 13.6 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7
OBS 29.1.3
I download obs-backgroundremoval-1.1.7-macos-universal and run installation which says successful.
Restart computer
In OBS I Have video capture device using my mac camera.
I select filters / background removal
There is NO Background colour option so i can not create a green screen so the background tool only works very badly
QUESTION : Why is there is NO Background colour option? How can I get this?

Many thanks

Post here the screenshot and the log of OBS. Thanks.

Hi Kaito

Many thanks for getting back to me.
I have 3 screenshots to send you. I have tried .png, .jpg and .pdf and none seem to upload properly, see below. PLease clarify file type

The 3 screenshots will show one with my macbook spec, showing NO Background colour option in the listopf Background removal parameters.

OBS = 29.1.3
And remover tool = obs-backgroundremoval-1.1.7-macos-universal

Any info. on how to rectify this would be great

Many thanks

Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 09 38 08
Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 09 38 39
Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 09 38 49

Oh - seems the screenshot have uploaded ok

Can you upload here the log of OBS? The logs can be obtained from the help menu of OBS.

It seems that the plugin installation is broken but we cannot say anything before we look into the log of OBS.


Also can you try to uncheck focal blur?

2023-10-25 12-33-35.txt
2023-10-24 20-19-42.txt
2023-10-25 09-37-06.txt

Here you go

I checked the log and found that the plugin was loaded correctly and it worked. I don't think your installation of our plugin is broken.

Can you remove the Background Removal Effect filter from the camera source and add it back again and tell us what happens. It would be great if you attach the log of OBS and the screenshot again after you add the plugin again.

Thanks Kaito

here are the logs and screenshots. I opened OBS, removed background effect, closed and reopened OBS, added background effect, unchecked blur and so on. Still no background colour option

2023-10-26 09-53-00.txt
2023-10-26 09-53-31.txt

Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 09 54 04 Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 09 54 12 Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 09 54 31 Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 09 54 44 Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 09 54 59

It works correctly. This plugin is not intended to add a green background but simply removes the background of the portrait. In other words, this plugin makes your background transparent.
If your expectation of this plugin is removing the background of your portrait, the background is already gone.
If it is adding a virtual green screen to your portrait, you can add a green color source behind the camera source.

This plugin does not have an option to add a single-color background screen and this is intentional because what people want is to remove the background not to add a virtual green screen.

You can put your arbitrary background image behind the camera source with our plugin and this should be the result that people (hopefully including you) expect because your background is already transparent.

We have the latest official tutorial video. This would help you much.

Many thanks Kaito, I will look wt your latest comments over the weekend. And thank you very much for the how to video