
Installation didn't work

coppolaop opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug

I installed it and its not enabled.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install OBS and obs-backgroundremoval
  2. Create new Scene and Video input
  3. Open the filter option
  4. Background Removal (in my case, pt-BR, "Remoção de Fundo") is missing

Expected behavior

Show a new filter called "Remoção de Fundo" or "Background Removal"



Log and Crash Report

2023-11-13 10-37-22.txt

It's not crashing.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 11
  • Browser: There is just Edge installed
  • Plugin Version: 1.1.7 (the latest for now)
  • OBS Version: 30.0.0 (latest for now too)

Additional context

I already tryed to reinstall OBS and BackgroundRemoval, many times. Tryed to install BackgroundRemoval via .exe and via zip copy/paste.
I already used this software on other machine, but in this notebook is not running.

Can you check under Effect filters not Audio Video filters?

Thanks @umireon, it worked!
I didn't see it before because I'm using a low resolution:
But when I resize the popup, it appears: