
Bug Found in result !

Opened this issue · 3 comments

The result is not correct in some particular case (near perfect equality)

You can see problem here (The candidat Mr. B should win instead of A)

Hello !

Is this still on ?
We've written this algorithm in PHP already (and python and tableur), perhaps we could help ?

Thank you for your proposal!

This package is only used (to my knowledge) by the BETA platform of the association MieuxVoter. The final version is in python, so this PHP package won't be used anymore.

But the goal of this development was to create a PHP package for the community. If you already have a PHP development that works, maybe I can mark this one as "depracated" and give the link to yours in the readme?


The PHP package works, the whole API works, but we never got around to write a client for it.
It's fully tested with idiomatic features, and is mostly used as an example/demo of algorithmic constituency.

We did not want to hurt lechoixcommun.fr which appears to want to make a living out of it.
We'll resume development when MJ is promoted enough that there is no need for proprietary solutions anymore. Meanwhile, they're doing a great job, and we need that.

We'll head over to the mieuxvoter app for now, see if we can get it to behave. (pun intended)