
[Bug]: OBD will check os version when install obproxy.

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gc06 commented

Please check the issue list for the same bug

  • I have checked issue list and this bug is encountered for the first time.


- OB Version&commit_id or other module version&commit_id (e.g. observer V3.1.2 8b23a93):
obproxy (OceanBase 3.2.3 2)
- Hardware parameter:OS type & Compliler & CPU etc.
Linux OPNOB01 4.19.90-23.15.v2101.ky10.x86_64 oceanbase/oceanbase#1 SMP Wed Sep 1 16:09:15 CST 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux 
Kylin Linux Advanced Server release V10 (Tercel)
Model name:  Hygon C86 7285 32-core Processor
- Others

Fast Reproduce Steps(Required)

obd cluster autodeploy openob -c distributed-with-obproxy-example.yaml -v -f

Actual Behavior

[2022-04-12 15:47:06.530554] INFO [PROXY] ob_proxy_main.cpp:558 [95998][Y0-0] [lt=0] [dc=0] succ to init logger(max_log_file_size=268435456, async_tid=140036463412992)
[2022-04-12 15:47:06.530621] INFO ob_file.cpp:59 [95998][Y0-0] [lt=35] [dc=0] open fname=[/dev/urandom] fd=14 flags=0 succ
[2022-04-12 15:47:06.530661] INFO [PROXY] ob_proxy_main.cpp:476 [95998][Y0-0] [lt=5] [dc=0] ObProxy-OceanBase 3.2.3-2-6-local-99faebfc7130b70ad0f56330a28cab6a32ec9a33
[2022-04-12 15:47:06.530669] INFO [PROXY] ob_proxy_main.cpp:480 [95998][Y0-0] [lt=7] [dc=0] has no inherited sockets, start new obproxy(info={is_inherited:false, upgrade_version:-1, need_conn_accept:true, user_rejected:0, fd:-1, received_sig:-1, sub_pid:-1, graceful_exit_end_time:0, graceful_exit_start_time:0, active_client_vc_count:-1, local_addr:"", rc_status:"", hu_cmd:"", state:"HU_STATE_WAIT_HU_CMD", hu_status:"", is_parent:true, sub_status:"", last_parent_status:"", last_sub_status:"", upgrade_version_buf:"", argc:9, argv[0]="bin/obproxy", argv[1]="-o", argv[2]="obproxy_sys_password=***,enable_cluster_checkout=False", argv[3]="--listen_port", argv[4]="2883", argv[5]="--prometheus_listen_port", argv[6]="2884", argv[7]="--rs_list", argv[8]=";;", inherited_argv[0]="bin/obproxy", inherited_argv[1]="(null)", inherited_argv[2]="(null)", inherited_argv[3]="(null)"})
[2022-04-12 15:47:06.536614] INFO [PROXY] ob_proxy.cpp:635 [95998][Y0-0] [lt=37] [dc=0] fail to load config from file, but we can get the config from OCP by sql later(ret=0)
[2022-04-12 15:47:06.536637] INFO [SHARE] ob_common_config.cpp:102 [95998][Y0-0] [lt=12] [dc=0] Load config succ(name="obproxy_sys_password", value="Cmbc@2022")
[2022-04-12 15:47:06.536649] INFO [SHARE] ob_common_config.cpp:102 [95998][Y0-0] [lt=7] [dc=0] Load config succ(name="enable_cluster_checkout", value="False")
[2022-04-12 15:47:06.536716] WARN [PROXY] get_kernel_release_by_uname (ob_config_server_processor.cpp:1043) [95998][Y0-0] [lt=6] [dc=0] unknown uname release(u_info.release="4.19.90-23.15.v2101.ky10.x86_64", ret=-4016)
[2022-04-12 15:47:06.536730] WARN [PROXY] init_proxy_kernel_release (ob_config_server_processor.cpp:1156) [95998][Y0-0] [lt=14] [dc=0] fail to get_kernel_release_by_uname(ret=-4016)
[2022-04-12 15:47:06.536745] WARN [PROXY] init (ob_config_server_processor.cpp:120) [95998][Y0-0] [lt=15] [dc=0] fail to init proxy kernel release(ret=-4016)
[2022-04-12 15:47:06.536749] ERROR [PROXY] init_conn_pool (ob_proxy.cpp:581) [95998][Y0-0] [lt=4] [dc=0] fail to init config server processor(ret=-4016) BACKTRACE:0xb83a9a 0xb57eab 0xae5a6c 0xb2d949 0xb2da40 0xb2dd96 0xaf4df5 0xb0a0fe 0xaf2574 0x7f5cda136b67 0xae403f
[2022-04-12 15:47:06.537005] WARN [PROXY] init_config (ob_proxy.cpp:813) [95998][Y0-0] [lt=256] [dc=0] fail to init connection pool(ret=-4016)
[2022-04-12 15:47:06.537011] ERROR [PROXY] init (ob_proxy.cpp:175) [95998][Y0-0] [lt=5] [dc=0] fail to init config(ret=-4016) BACKTRACE:0xb83a9a 0xb57eab 0xae5a6c 0xb2e14c 0xaf4df5 0xb0a0fe 0xaf2574 0x7f5cda136b67 0xae403f
[2022-04-12 15:47:06.537029] WARN [PROXY] init (ob_proxy.cpp:233) [95998][Y0-0] [lt=17] [dc=0] fail to init obproxy(ret=-4016)
[2022-04-12 15:47:06.537033] ERROR [PROXY] do_start_work (ob_proxy_main.cpp:663) [95998][Y0-0] [lt=3] [dc=0] obproxy init failed(ret=-4016) BACKTRACE:0xb83a9a 0xb57eab 0xae5a6c 0xaf4f59 0xb0a0fe 0xaf2574 0x7f5cda136b67 0xae403f

[2022-04-12 15:47:06.537048] ERROR [PROXY] start (ob_proxy_main.cpp:483) [95998][Y0-0] [lt=15] [dc=0] fail to do start work(ret=-4016) BACKTRACE:0xb83a9a 0xb57eab 0xae5a6c 0xb0a51f 0xaf2574 0x7f5cda136b67 0xae403f
obproxy [OPTIONS]
-h,--help print this help
-p,--listen_port LPORT obproxy listen port
-l,--promethues_listen_port PLPORT obproxy prometheus listen port
-o,--optstr OPTSTR extra options string
-n,--appname APPNAME application name
-r,--rs_list RS_LIST root server list(format ip:sql_port)
-c,--cluster_name CLUSTER_NAME root server cluster name
-d,--dump_config_sql DSQL dump config sql to file
-e,--execute_config_sql ESQL exectue config sql(create tables, insert initial data)
-N,--nodaemon don't run in daemon
-V,--version VERSION current obproxy version

Expected Behavior

obproxy can start normal

other information

add enable_strict_kernel_release=false when start obproxy,it will ok.