
No sign of storm track in runs with `OFCL` (faked as `BEST`) track

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Here are the comparison of SCHISM outputs (out_2d_1.nc) for BEST and fake OFCL tracks of hurricane florence!
Looks like the OFCL track run does not have storm track.




Update on the PaHM models with faked BEST track run!
@pvelissariou1 and @SorooshMani-NOAA, Here are outputs of SCHISM run with faked BEST track and two model_type_pahm values (1: Holland, and 10: GAHM)


As you see, both did not simulate wind (zero wind speed for the entire domain)!

@pvelissariou1 I think there might be some different between the two code. You ran the track through PaHM standalone a couple of days ago and it worked, but using SCHISM it doesn't seem to work. We're using SCHISM commit ddf1564

I understand, that's why it's strange. Also please let us know if it helps if we debug it. In that case what are the flags we need to set to get the debug symbols, and how would we have to start SCHISM to debug?

@pvelissariou1 Yes, I ran PaHM standalone for the faked BEST track (see plots for max wind speeds here: noaa-ocs-modeling/PaHM#27 (comment))

As @SorooshMani-NOAA mentioned, it might be a difference in two codes?!