
Discrepancy between docs and CLI output

domingosl opened this issue · 1 comments

In the documentation Beginners guide it said that the values contained in the config file:

const contracts = {
 "DTFactory": "0x_YOUR_DTFactory_ADDRESS_",
 "BFactory": "0x_YOUR_DTFactory_ADDRESS_",
 "FixedRateExchange": "0x_YOUR_DTFactory_ADDRESS_",
 "Metadata": "0x_YOUR_Metadata_ADDRESS_",
 "Ocean": "0x_YOUR_Ocean_ADDRESS_"

Should be replaced by the output of the command cat ~/.ocean/ocean-contracts/artifacts/address.json run on the host machine. According to the docs, the expected output is:

 "development": {
   "DTFactory": "0x27F7b0C827596C7355ee39EdFd3235F8b47C2862",
   "BFactory": "0xCe7c408C56f8BFF8EF616F5CE3E7868486de3748",
   "FixedRateExchange": "0xf4C7B100cECA95Badc583bdBd10F6CA8D9123B09",
   "Metadata": "0x2c11A9763AaCb838fDFD6Ee01fD1179196ee20f5",
   "Ocean": "0x11570aE63B4fDe21d213Bc1A9BF61eEA51d13D56"

But actually, the output is way longer and with keys that do not match what's required in config:

image (1)

Is this an old outdated doc or am I just being dumb?

The beginners guide has been deprecated as it relates to Ocean V3. It was replaced by the code examples documentation