
Masked prompt answer contains unicode characters

tobiasmuecksch opened this issue · 3 comments


I'm implement a cli tool using oclif.


    "@oclif/command": "^1.5.18",
    "@oclif/config": "^1.13.2",
    "@oclif/plugin-help": "^2.2.0",
    "chalk": "^2.4.2",
    "cli-ux": "^5.3.1",
    "tslib": "^1.10.0",


The following code is inside an oclif command class.

import { cli } from 'cli-ux';

// some command class stuff

async run() {
  const result = await cli.prompt('Please enter your name', {type: 'mask'});

  // Make unicode characters visible, because the console won't print them. But they are still 
  // present in the string.
  result = JSON.stringify(_string).replace(/((^")|("$))/g, '').trim();

  this.log('You picked the name: " ' + result + ' "');


When I start the command, and enter "John Doe" this output looks like this:

You picked the name: " John Doe\u001b[D\u001b[D\u001b[D\u001b[Ahnung\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[C\u001b[D\u001b[D\u001b[D\u001b[D\u001b[D\u001b[D\u001b[D\u001b[D\u001b[D "

I entered Jogn Doe and realized that I entered g instead of h. I therefore used the arrow keys to go back and deleted the g and replaced it with h
This happened on a Debian 10 machine on the standard console (bash).

Why does this happen, and how can I fix it?

I also noticed:

  • That using the backspace/delete key on the keyboard also allows to remove the prompts message on the left side. This is unintended behavior for sure.
  • using the arrow keys causes strange behavior for all prompt types

Since I cannot reproduce this issue anymore at the moment, I'll close this issue for now.

Okay I found out why I couldn't reproduce it. I've changed the issue above accordingly.

Unfortunately I'm unable to recreate your results. Prompt is working as expected.