
cli.table unable to have both --csv and --no-header flags.

Closed this issue · 1 comments

cli-ux: 5.5.0
node: v13.11.0

I get the following error when I try to pass in both --csv and --no-header flags to a command that uses cli.table:

./bin/run --no-header --csv
 ›   Error: --csv= cannot also be provided when using --no-header=

Note: ./bin/run --output=csv --no-header works.

Steps to Reproduce

Copy / Paste the script below as a command:

const {Command, flags} = require('@oclif/command')
const { cli } = require('cli-ux')

class TestCommand extends Command {
  async run() {
    cli.table([{version:'1.0.0'}], {version:{}}, flags)

TestCommand.description = `Describe the command here
Extra documentation goes here

TestCommand.flags = {
  // add flags from cli.table

module.exports = TestCommand

Run: ./bin/run --no-header --csv

Related PR

It seems like we just need to take out 'csv' from this line?

Closed via #124