OCP on NERC Ansible Inventory


In this repository:

  • inventory

    This is the Ansible inventory. There are static inventory files in inventory/00-static:

    • inventory/00-static/common.yaml -- common variables
    • inventory/00-static/ocp-infra.yaml -- hosts in nerc-ocp-infra cluster
    • inventory/00-static/ocp-prod.yaml -- hosts in nerc-ocp-prod cluster
    • inventory/00-static/ocp-test.yaml -- hosts in nerc-ocp-test cluster
    • inventory/00-static/ocp-bmc-hosts.json -- generated list of bmc hostnames

    There are constructed inventory files in inventory/10-constructed. The constructed inventory defines groups based on the node_role variable:

    • role_openshift_controller
    • role_openshift_worker

    And groups based on the vendor variable:

    • vendor_dell
    • vendor_lenovo
  • scripts

    This directory contains various utility scripts.

    • generate-bmc-hosts.py -- used to generate inventory/00-static/ocp-bmc-hosts.json.
  • playbooks

    This directory contains Ansible playbooks.

    • playbooks/enable-ipmilan.yaml -- enables remote IPMI access using racadm
    • playbooks/ipmi-power.yaml -- runs ipmi power commands on selected hosts


This project requires some non-default Ansible collections (such as the amazon.aws collection for the aws_secret lookup). You can install these requirements using the ansible-galaxy command:

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yaml


The IPMI and racadm actions require a username and password, which cannot be stored directly in this repository. Currently, the inventory is configured to pull these values from the AWS Secrets Manager service. You will need to have appropriate AWS credentials loaded in your environment to run these playbooks.