
Constant disconnecting inside inside browser.

zygisjas opened this issue · 4 comments


I have tried to implement this code, but I have strange behavior, when I connect to the AP via phone, in the browser I get "disconnected" each 3 or fewer seconds, and then it reconnects, in the debug serial I just get:

Websocket connected to:

after 3 - 5 seconds:

Websocket connected to:

and this cycle repeats again.

Is this a normal behavior, how can I keep it without constant disconecting and reconnecting?

ocrdu commented

I can't reproduce this. I'll have another look. Did you make any changes to the code?

ocrdu commented

Did you use "my" WiFiNINA library version or the original one?

Did you use "my" WiFiNINA library version or the original one?

Yes, I updated WiFiNINA library with your changes.

I avoided this constant reconnect behavior after commenting following lines inside HTML file:

      // setTimeout(function() {
      //   if (Date.now() - messageTime > 3000 && !called) {
      //     called = true;
      //     document.getElementById("connection").innerHTML = '<p style="color:#F75535;"><svg fill="none" version="1.1" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="m12 17.435c-0.9281 0-1.68 0.7548-1.68 1.6811 0 0.9262 0.7519 1.6776 1.68 1.6776 0.9274 0 1.68-0.7514 1.68-1.6776 0-0.9263-0.7526-1.6811-1.68-1.6811zm11.744-7.9502c-2.9324-3.4845-7.2128-5.4847-11.743-5.4847-4.5306 0-8.8119 2.0002-11.744 5.4847-0.38904 0.46375-0.32785 1.1548 0.13607 1.5437 0.20274 0.1716 0.45297 0.2565 0.70228 0.2565 0.31416 0 0.62466-0.1315 0.83836-0.388 2.5151-2.9924 6.1827-4.7078 10.068-4.7078 3.8813 0 7.5516 1.7153 10.067 4.7042 0.2137 0.2601 0.5242 0.3916 0.8384 0.3916 0.2493 0 0.4995-0.0849 0.7032-0.2565 0.463-0.3889 0.5242-1.08 0.1351-1.5437zm-11.743-1.1019c-3.2356 0-6.2932 1.4259-8.3872 3.9154-0.38904 0.4638-0.33151 1.1548 0.13242 1.5437 0.20639 0.1716 0.45662 0.2565 0.70594 0.2565 0.3105 0 0.62101-0.1314 0.83836-0.3879 1.6767-1.9938 4.1206-3.1386 6.7105-3.13
      //86 2.59 0 5.0329 1.1448 6.7096 3.1386 0.2183 0.2565 0.5279 0.3879 0.8384 0.3879 0.2502 0 0.4995-0.0812 0.7068-0.2565 0.464-0.3889 0.5242-1.0799 0.1315-1.5437-2.094-2.4894-5.1507-3.9154-8.3863-3.9154zm0 4.3828c-1.9443 0-3.7781 0.8554-5.0338 2.3498-0.38904 0.4601-0.32785 1.1512 0.13516 1.5401 0.20366 0.1752 0.45297 0.2574 0.7032 0.2574 0.31416 0 0.62375-0.1324 0.84201-0.3889 0.83471-0.9987 2.0584-1.5693 3.3534-1.5693s2.5178 0.5706 3.3525 1.5693c0.2183 0.2565 0.5288 0.3889 0.842 0.3889 0.2503 0 0.4996-0.0822 0.7032-0.2574 0.464-0.3889 0.5242-1.08 0.1352-1.5401-1.2557-1.4944-3.0886-2.3498-5.0329-2.3498z" clip-rule="evenodd" fill="#F75535" fill-rule="evenodd"/></svg> Disconnected</p>';
      //     document.getElementById("switch").disabled = true;
      //     document.getElementById("volume").disabled = true;
      //     document.getElementById("cowbell").disabled = true;
      //     document.getElementById("switches").style.opacity = "0.3";
      //     document.getElementById("sliders").style.opacity = "0.3";
      //     document.getElementById("gvalue").innerHTML = "g";
      //     document.getElementById("tvalue").innerHTML = "&#xb0;C";
      //     document.getElementById("switchlabel").style.cursor = "not-allowed";
      //     document.getElementById("volume").style.cursor = "not-allowed";
      //     document.getElementById("cowbell").style.cursor = "not-allowed";
      //     socket.close();
      //   }
      // }, 4000);

ocrdu commented

Yes the code will try to reconnect when it hasn't received anything from the Arduino for a few seconds, assuming the websocket has disconnected. It may be better to send a heartbeat every second to keep checking if the websocket connection is still up instead of disabling this part of the code.