The link to the SVG spec in the comments points to SVG 2, but the types are based on SVG 1.1
Mbodin opened this issue · 1 comments
The SVG types are said ( ) to be based on I guess that this URL used to point to the specification of SVG 1.1, but it now points to SVG 2.
In the case of the definition of paint
, the difference is large.
Here is what it appears in SVG 2 ( )
<paint> := none | <color> | <url> [none | <color>? | context-fill | context-stroke
And in SVG 1.1 ( )
<paint> := none | currentColor | <color> [<icccolor>] | <funciri> [ none | currentColor | <color> [<icccolor>] ] | inherit
Here is what it appears in
type color = string
type icccolor = string
type paint_whitout_icc =
[ `None | `CurrentColor
| `Color of (color * icccolor option)
type paint =
[ paint_whitout_icc
| `Icc of (iri * paint_whitout_icc option) ]
This implementation is close to the one of SVG 1.1, but it differs a lot from the SVG 2. This confused me as I tried to compare to make it match to SVG 2's concepts. I still feel that I'm missing the url(#gradient)
value, but I'm not used to ICC so I might just have misunderstand.
It's completely fine to stay with SVG 1.1, but maybe it would be nice to help the reader accustomed to SVG 2:
- by replacing by
- possibly also by citing the appendix
- by adding some brief comments to the parts that significantly changed to understand the concept.
I would be quite in favour of a path moving to SVG2, but in absence of that, you are right, we should fix the documentation.