Wrong drawing in Z capital letter
medmedin2014 opened this issue · 10 comments
Sorry, I didn't updated the issues, in the fact the problems are coming from LibreOffice export to pdf, because using Scribus the font looks good on any pdf reader.
@medmedin2014 I’m a LibreOffice QA volunteer. I can recall a similar issue being fixed a while ago. Could you try reproducing the issue a recent version of LibreOffice (either 6.3.4 or 6.4.0)? If you can reproduce it, please report it at bugs.documentfoundation.org.
@fitojb The problem is still persistent in
@medmedin2014 Please report the bug at TDF’s Bugzilla then
@fitojb The problem is still persistent in
What PDF reader are you using?
Using LO x64 on Windows ...
I just exported a 400 point capital Z to a PDF and it looks fine in PDF-XChange Editor.
Even zoomed to 6400% it looks perfect.
I checked in two other PDF readers and editors - looks fine.
Same results with a 10 point Z.
The problem could be in your PDF reader. Try a different one.
@kenmcd It's persistent on Ubuntu, I don't know about Windows.
@kenmcd It's persistent on Ubuntu, I don't know about Windows.
What PDF viewer are you using on Ubuntu?
@kenmcd Okular, Evince, MuPDF, Master PDF Editor, Foxit Redear... This is not a bug related to font or pdf reader it's related to Libre Office and how it exports the odt file to pdf, and it seems it's coming from earlier versions of Open Office
If that is in fact the issue, then the simple workaround is to use the TTF fonts.
That issue is related to embedding the CCF outlines, and TrueType outlines are embedded differently.
I have the TTF fonts installed, which is perhaps why I do not see the issue in the PDF export.