
Project status

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi @octavonce, really happy to see bigchaindb meeting Elixir! What is the status / scope of the library so far, and what is still to come?

Hello, i'm sorry but i am really caught up in another project. I don't believe i will have time to stay on this anytime soon.

No problem! Thanks for your great work on the lib! I dug into the code and tests, impressed.

Thanks. I got stuck on trying to get the bigchaindb node to accept the transaction. It always failed the validations made by the bigchaindb node even if the data and it's format were correct. My intuition tells me that the erlang asn1 encoder is somehow incompatible with what the folks from bigchaindb use. They use der encoding and even though the erlang encoder has flags for der i don't know if the format is exactly the same. This is why i began implementing a c encoder to see if this is the case but i didn't manage to finish that so i cannot say for sure that this is the problem.

I hope this helps.