Hard to read and understand the ` available toolbar buttons` blockquote in the section Rich editor / WYSIWYG
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Maybe it's me as my head is spinning today, but I just look at the blockquote of information found here: https://octobercms.com/docs/backend/forms#widget-richeditor
The blockquote is as follows:
fullscreen, bold, italic, underline, strikeThrough, subscript, superscript, fontFamily, fontSize, |, color, emoticons, inlineStyle, paragraphStyle, |, paragraphFormat, align, formatOL, formatUL, outdent, indent, quote, insertHR, -, insertLink, insertImage, insertVideo, insertAudio, insertFile, insertTable, undo, redo, clearFormatting, selectAll, html
Then it says:
Note: | will insert a vertical separator line in the toolbar and - a horizontal one.
All I'm seeing is a wall of text and I kind of have an issue with the |
and -
in this wall of text.
Surely it would be better to add some formatting to this wall of text to make it a bit more understandable?
Take this for example as I'm going to second guess what is going on here, the part fontSize, |, color,
I'm guessing you mean to say fontSize
can have a |
and color
doesn't - who knows?
If there was some proper formatting I couldn't understand it a bit better.
Why it can't be like this?
fullscreen, bold, italic, underline, strikeThrough, subscript, superscript, fontFamily, color, emoticons, inlineStyle, paragraphFormat, align, formatOL, formatUL, outdent, indent, quote,insertLink, insertImage, insertVideo, insertAudio, insertFile, insertTable, undo, redo, clearFormatting, selectAll, html
Note: | will insert a vertical separator line in the toolbar and - a horizontal one.
(*) fontSize, paragraphStyle and insertHR ... (Explain more in-depth these three options)
My point is this, can it be written for someone who is a complete Newbie and looking at this section for the very first time, be able to understand what is going on - without needing to ask a question. Right now that is not really fulfilling that.
Some second guess examples:
type: richeditor
toolbarButtons: bold|italic|fontSize|8|10|12|fontFamily
size: huge
type: richeditor
toolbarButtons: bold|italic|fontSize||fontFamily
size: huge
type: richeditor
toolbarButtons: bold|italic|insertHR-
size: huge