Question on general flow for apps
tnolet opened this issue · 3 comments
Hi, Octokit is great. That first.
Just a short question on general flow for SaaS apps that integrate Github Apps. I'm building and have a use case for users installing my Github App and my SaaS taking action on certain webhooks.
User installs app. This I have figured out. I redirect the user to the Github hosted install page and get a callback on a URL.
The URL contains the installation_id of the app. This is important. I save this in the user's profile in my database.
Some time later, or directly after, the user navigates in my SaaS app and needs to select a repo in his/her account he/she wants to use as a trigger for actions in my SaaS.
For this, I need to list the user's repos. I can do this with octokit.repos.listForUser()
but I need the username for this to work. I don't have that.
Do I need to explicitly fetch the username / owner associated with the installation_id or is there some quick other way I have missed?
P.S. I can do this, I can fetch all data using JWT and InstallationID tokens. Works all fine. Just seems a lot of work...
I think what you are looking for is to list repositories for an installation?
You could list all repositories of all installations that you stored in the repository profile and list these
@gr2m Boom 💥. That's it. Thanks so much for the swift answer.
Just getting to grips with the various Github auth schemes and who/what can do what in which situation.
happy to help :)