
[MAINT]: "Add to Octokit Project" action fails due to missing token

oscard0m opened this issue · 6 comments

What happened?

PR Check fails because of a missing GitHub Token:

Error: Input required and not supplied: github-token



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This workflow is standard across all Octokit repos.

Why would this issue only happen here?

This workflow is standard across all Octokit repos.

Why would this issue only happen here?

My guess is the secret of GITHUB_TOKEN is missing. Could be that?

@kfcampbell @nickfloyd Can you take a look at this?

gr2m commented

The fix is to remove these two lines

    types: [reopened, opened]

Pull requests from forks or dependabot don't have access to repository secrets when triggered by pull_request, only when triggered by pull_request_target

I added a continue-on-error to all of them, assuming it would make the workflow optional - it sounds like that was not the case.

Yeah, I ran into the other scenario and was trying to reproduce it. Where the following does not work for all repos:

    types: [reopened, opened]

I'll remove the other for now, given that way is being deprecated.

This should fix it: octokit/.github#34