
neo4j shell for emacs

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Neo4j shell for emacs

1. Dependencies

  • (optional) cypher-mode: can be installed from melpa. If installed it's font lock definitions are used.

2. Installation

Manual install

  • Clone the repository (or download the ZIP file and unzip it), and add its directory to the load path (if it's not already there)
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/n4js.el/")
  • Load the library with require
(require 'n4js)
  • or use use-package or similar library:
(use-package n4js
   :custom (n4js-user "neo4j")
           (n4js-address "bolt://example.com:7867"))

3. User-customizable variables

See M-x customize-group n4js.

4. Commands

  • n4js-start: start a neo4j shell process
  • n4js-send-current-region: send the active region to neo4j shell process
  • n4js-send-buffer: send the whole buffer to neo4j shell process
  • n4js-send-paragraph: send the paragraph at point to neo4j shell process
  • n4js-send-region-or-buffer: send the current region if active, otherwise send the whole buffer to neo4j shell process
  • n4js-send-dwim: send the current region if active, otherwise send the paragraph at point to neo4j shell process
  • n4js-switch-to-buffer: switch to neo4j shell buffer if exist, otherwise, start a new one

5. Tips

Connect to a Neo4j shell with non-default settings

n4js-address allows the user to specify adress, port, and protocol to use to access the cypher shell. n4js-username and n4js-password allow the user to easily set these too. Other settings should use the n4js-cli-arguments variable.