
AFP_NAME doesn't seem to work anymore

jayjanssen opened this issue · 5 comments

I upgraded to your latest recently (from last July) and my TM share name changed to simply 'tm'. I am setting AFP_NAME to 'TimeMachine'.

Here there is an error in fact. As I can see here and here, we are using AFP_NAME as the mountpoint, which should be an absolute path.

I'll fix this this week (it's a bit busy one). If you just avoid using env variables and just use the command line option, it should be fine, but the server name will appear as your user 🤔

Ok, thanks. I'm using docker-compose, hence the need for ENVs. Happy to test when you have a fix, and I appreciate the image.

Hey @jayjanssen !

Sorry for the delay. It has been a tough June.

The image has been updated so when using environment variables the mountpoint selected is always the root of the external volume. And now the AFP_NAME attribute do it's work as expected :)

Does it solve your issue?

Closing the issue. Please ping me if it's not solved.

Hi -- yes, the latest image seems to have fixed this. I am able to backup to it just fine, thank you.