
Support Samba (SMB)

Opened this issue · 4 comments

It seems that AFP is deprecated, and Time Machine is now supported on Samba 4.8 and higher. See samba-team/samba#64.

It would be nice if this container would support that, perhaps in a separate branch.

https://github.com/mumblepins-docker/smb-timemachine/blob/master/Dockerfile is an example of how a version of Samba that supports Time Machine is built.

I've been having trouble building that one for ARM, so it would be great if this feature is incorporated.

Hello @wvteijlingen @sohocoke , and sorry for the late response. There is a PR available to use Samba (#58) .

I have it in my server and looks fine.

Would you like to try it yourselves and send some feedback?


Also, I couldn't try the build for ARM (I don't longer have a ARM device) but it should work the same, as we are using Alpine image which is available for ARM too.

@odarriba I use the Samba version on a Raspberry Pi since a few weeks and it works perfectly fine.

The only thing I'm missing compared to the AFP version are user quotas. https://github.com/willtho89/docker-samba-timemachine uses p-list files for that. But I haven't had the chance to try it out for myself yet.