
Can not start timemachine from docker compose

longwdl opened this issue · 5 comments

Container will exit after start.

> docker-compose up
Creating ittimemachine_tm_1
Attaching to ittimemachine_tm_1
tm_1 | Starting Netatalk services:  netatalk.
ittimemachine_tm_1 exited with code 0

my docker-compose file:

  image: odarriba/timemachine
  hostname: tm.xxx.com
    - /mnt/hdd/data/timemachine:/timemachine
    - '548:548'
    - '636:636'
    AFP_LOGIN: usr
    AFP_NAME: Time_Machine
    AFP_SIZE_LIMIT: 2000000


Maybe it could be something related to the running params? Like, for example, the -t -i used in the launch command (you can see it in the README), which are necessary when an interactive shell is used to maintain the docker running (like in this case).

Hope this helps?

Closed as there is no news

saesh commented

Hello @odarriba!

I bumped into this issue as well, using ansible. The container has no running foreground process at the end so it is stopped. I know there is a section about autostarting the container in the README, but unfortunately this is not an option for me. I changed the image to use supervisord[1] to start the process and keep a foreground process running. That way, you deploy the container once, and it gets automatically started and running via the docker process, instead of relying on a distribution specific startup script to manually start the container. Would you be interested in a pull request for this?

[1] https://docs.docker.com/engine/admin/using_supervisord/

@saesh Can you please create a pull request, so I can review the changes and improve the image?

Thanks in advance!


I have already modified the image (and the README), so applying a restart policy the docker daemon starts the image itself.

Hope it helps, I'm closing the issue unless anything more appears.