fasta file format not supported
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I'm using SHAPEIT5 and I'm getting this error -
ERROR: Opening [ref.fasta]: file format not supported by HTSlib
the command I'm using is as follows -
SHAPEIT5_phase_common -T 16 -I S2_WhPh.vcf.gz -H ref.fasta -R PGA_scaffold_6 -O S2_SH.vcf --log P24XYF_S2_SH.log
what does this error mean exactly?
When refer to "reference panel" we mean a cohort of haplotypes (e.g. in vcf/bcf format), not the reference genome sequence (in fasta). You are simply providing a wrong file.
You can find some common definitions here, in the hope they are useful:
Hope this helps,
what if i don't have this data? i just tried removing this option and it did not let me run the phasing without it.
this was the new error message -
ERROR: Less than 50 samples is not enough to get reliable phasing, consider using a reference panel to increase sample size
Unfortunately, population-based statistical phasing needs at least a certain amount of samples to be reliable.