
helm delete does not clean up application instrumentation labels

esara opened this issue · 1 comments

esara commented

if odigos is uninstalled using helm delete, the instrumented application will remain labeled for odigos instrumentation

for example, if an application instrumented

$ kubectl get instrumentedapplications -A
NAMESPACE   NAME                                  AGE
customer    deployment-server-app   134m

and odigus is uninstalled

$ helm delete -n odigos-system odigos
release "odigos" uninstalled

and later odigos is reinstalled

$ helm upgrade --install odigos odigos/odigos --namespace odigos-system --create-namespace 
Release "odigos" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: odigos
LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Jan 26 13:07:05 2024
NAMESPACE: odigos-system
STATUS: deployed
Odigos installed successfully. For getting started go to the UI by running:
kubectl port-forward svc/odigos-ui 3000:3000 -n odigos-system
Then, go to: http://localhost:3000

the application is reinstrumented

$ kubectl get instrumentedapplications -A
NAMESPACE   NAME                                  AGE
customer    deployment-server-app   14s

it may be desirable to clean up the instrumentation label when odigos is uninstalled using helm (like it is already done by the odigos cli)

fixed by: #78