
Suggestion: Improve clarity of `Table of Contents`

Opened this issue · 1 comments

On the Overview page, the Table of Contents (ToC) sidebar on the right has become a bit chaotic since the addition of two indented levels for the subheadings. Perhaps clarity could be improved by widening the ToC and slightly increasing the depth of indentation.

Many outlines use vertical lines to show each indentation level, and there is already some of that present in the table of contents for 'active' sections (that you're currently viewing):

table of contents - active heading

Maybe that style should be extended so a thinner grey/blue line is always visible for every list, which turns orange when a section becomes active?

We could probably get most of the way there by giving each 'inactive' section an inactive class instead of an empty one, and styling that like the active class, only with a different colour