
Not all features work in Pandoc >= v2.15.

Opened this issue · 7 comments

odkr commented

I’ve posted this issue simply to let you know that I know. I’ll fix it soon-ish, promise.

Argh... just bumped into it myself. Looking forward to fix.

Dunno whether this is what you meant:
https://groups.google.com/g/pandoc-discuss/c/MiRomndx2H0 basically says that some undocumented API has gone away. The fix is fortunately easy:
In function insert_quot_marks change the second and third line to
local quote_type = quoted.quotetype
local inlines = quoted.content

odkr commented

@L--U--P--U--S, thanks for the PR!

And sorry that this is taking so long. But some of the more obscure features of the filter also stopped working because of the many API changes that happened from Pandoc v2.15 to v2.17. I also want to support multilingual documents. So, @L--U--P--U--S was so kind to fix the function that most people use. I'll release a new version once the obscure features, too, work again ;-). For the time being, just download pandoc-quotes.lua from the main branch.

I only use a subset of the features available in this filter and opened #6 to fix some issues.

Hi: I am running into an issue with running pandoc-quotes.lua when trying to define quotes in yaml in pandoc 2.18. I tried running the test and the same errors seem to be coming up when running, e.g., test-simple.md:

Error running filter /home/john/.pandoc/filters/pandoc-quotes.lua: /home/john/.pandoc/filters/pandoc-quotes.lua:344: attempt to index a nil value (global 'string') stack traceback: /home/john/.pandoc/filters/pandoc-quotes.lua:421: in function </home/john/.pandoc/filters/pandoc-quotes.lua:404>
Is this related to the above problems referred to here?

Thanks for trying to get a new version together!

I encountered an issue last week and downloaded the latest from github and the problem resolved.

Oh, thanks very much! I thought I was using the latest version, but using the newest one seems to have solved the problem.