
SharedMaps: how use correctly

GenCloud opened this issue · 1 comments

Good afternoon, comrades, tell me about the use of distributed cards.
I have two test app instances that declare a shared map across 1 and the same file.

When writing data from the first application to the SharedMemoryStringMap and receiving, I see the recorded data.

I'm launching a second application that tries to read data using a key that was written by the first application in SharedMemoryStringMap. As a result, I get a zero result.

The second application can see the data in the file only after the first application calls the map.close () method.

Tell me what can I do wrong?

Current use case:

JVM 1:

        final String file = "./data.dat";

        final SharedMemoryStringMap<String> map = new SharedMemoryStringMap<>(65535, file, 4 * M);

        map.put("12345", "test-shared-str");

        String s = map.get("12345");

       // start daemon thread ...

JVM 2:

        final String file = "./data.dat";

        final SharedMemoryStringMap<String> map = new SharedMemoryStringMap<>(65535, file, 4 * M);

        String s = map.get("12345");  <-- null value

In current implementation SharedMemoryMap cannot be used concurrently in different processes.

The word shared in the name actually refers to the shared memory, not the shared map.