
Type hint for XML-ID strings

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm making this helper module

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ast import literal_eval

from odoo import api, models
from odoo.osv import expression

class CustomHelper(models.AbstractModel):
    # Private attributes
    _name = 'custom.helper'
    _description = 'Custom Helper'

    # Default methods

    # Fields declaration

    # Compute and search fields, in the same order of fields declaration

    # Constraints and onchanges

    # CRUD methods (and name_get, name_search, ...) overrides

    # Action methods

    # Business methods
    def str2dct(self, dct, key):
        :type key: str
        :type dct: dict
        val = dct.get(key)
        if isinstance(val, str):
            val = literal_eval(val)  # type: dict or list
            dct[key] = val

    def list_recordset(self, rs, action):
        :type action: str
        :type rs: models.BaseModel
        act_dct = rs.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id(action)  # type: dict

        if len(rs) > 1:
            self.str2dct(act_dct, 'domain')
            domain = [act_dct.get('domain', []), [('id', 'in', rs.ids)]]
            act_dct['domain'] = expression.AND(domain)
        elif len(rs) == 1:
            act_dct['res_id'] = rs.id
            views = act_dct['views']  # type: list[tuple[int, str]]
            for i, view_tpl in enumerate(views):
                view_id, view_mode = view_tpl
                if view_mode == 'form':
                    views.insert(0, views.pop(i))
            act_dct = {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}

        self.str2dct(act_dct, 'context')

        return act_dct

Could we add a new type hint when we want to specify that a parament/variable must have an Odoo XML-ID string?

self.env['custom.helper'].list_recordset(self, 'account.action_move_journal_line')

So if the XML-ID is not correctly typed, account.action_move_journal_linesssss should be account.action_move_journal_line we get a warning?

Hi @jcfernandez-890825,

We already have:

  • odoo.model.xxx for recordsets
  • odoo.values.xxx for recordset dict values

Here are my ideas for external ids:

  • odoo.xid for external ids
  • odoo.xid.xxx for external ids of model xxx

Here are my ideas for external ids:

  • odoo.xid for external ids
  • odoo.xid.xxx for external ids of model xxx

Awesome, this feature will be great !!!

Could we have another one for field iterators? set, list, tuple, ...

Here are my ideas for external ids:

  • odoo.xid for external ids
  • odoo.xid.xxx for external ids of model xxx

Awesome, this feature will be great !!!

Could we have another one for field iterators? set, list, tuple, ...

I also want to have a flexible type hints for field names. Here are my ideas:

  • odoo.fname.xxx for field name of model xxx
  • list[odoo.fname.xxx] for list of field names
  • ...

The implementation will be more challenging, though.

Here are my ideas for external ids:

  • odoo.xid for external ids
  • odoo.xid.xxx for external ids of model xxx

Awesome, this feature will be great !!!
Could we have another one for field iterators? set, list, tuple, ...

I also want to have a flexible type hints for field names. Here are my ideas:

  • odoo.fname.xxx for field name of model xxx
  • list[odoo.fname.xxx] for list of field names
  • ...

The implementation will be more challenging, though.

This will be great too. Can't wait to use it.