[RELEASE] Release 4.2
lpalashevski opened this issue · 3 comments
lpalashevski commented
Work Plan
Create release x.y :
Prior to the release work
- slack post advising of upcoming release & linking to issue
- advance warning in developer/community call
- final agreement to start branch in team call & identification of outstanding issues
- Agree required updates/versions for additional repos including egeria-ui, egeria-reactui, connectors etc
Branching & Correcting versions
- Create branch
- Reassign any issues not being worked on to the next release
- Update version for main (ie x.y-SNAPSHOT > x.y+1-SNAPSHOT)
- Update version for branch (ie x.y-SNAPSHOT -> x.y)
Final updates to the release
- Ensure any remaining fixes are merged into branch (and vice-versa to main)
Pre-release security check
- Execute manual sonatype lift scan on release branch from and communicate findings (needs more formal process in future)
Generate a release image for testing
- Start Release pipeline manually to generate container image
Updating the Helm Charts (egeria-charts repo)
- checker correct container images are on docker.io & quay.io (these are built by the 'merge' build of a release)
- update image versions for helm charts egeria-charts repo (using -prerelease for chart version)
- check/update the strimzi chart versions
- check/update the kafka version used for the strimzi CR in each chart
- check/update the current jupyter lab version & generate a new docker container in egeria-jupyter
- update the jupyter lab version in the charts
Final tests
- Check swagger doc renders (no regressions)
- Verify odpi-egeria-lab chart (pods active/ready)
- Verify egeria-base chart (pods active/ready)
- Check notebooks (config, start, data catalog at a minimum)
- Check polymer UI (only possible to check it runs and run UI lab)
- Check React UI (rex, tex, glossary author). Some of the steps descibed here
- CTS - graph
- CTS - inmemory
Final Docs
- Update release notes in egeria-docs
Final build and publish
- Check if the Release pipeline rlease artifacts are shown in staging repo in OSS Repository Manager
- 'close' staging repo & Validate artifacts ok (number, structure, validations) on oss.sonatype.org
- Create final github releases for egeria (add link to egeria docs)
- Close repo on oss.sonatype.org (once updated) for egeria, release
- Check 'release' repo on oss.sonatype.org has artifacts
- Update final versions of egeria-charts to release ie x.y
- Publish that release is now shipped via slack #egeria-announce
- Post on egeria-annouce mailing list
- Additional posts to social media
- Communicate to other repo owners ie for connectors so that they can be rebuilt/shipped as needed (Egeria Dev Projects etc.)
Get Ready for next release
- Open Release Issue for next release
lpalashevski commented
CTS test are failing for graph repo and this is delaying the branching for a while. Investigation ongoing.
lpalashevski commented
Release 4.2 has been shipped, 1closing this issue.
Next release #7794
mandy-chessell commented
Thank you @lpalashevski