
set-raintale-database.sh: hang due to grep without input

ato opened this issue · 5 comments

ato commented

set-raintale-database.sh hangs after printing:

verifying that database is empty
discovered 0 tables in the database
database is empty, continuing
writing database information to /opt/raintale/raintale-gui/../hypercane_with_wooey/hypercane_with_wooey/settings/user_settings.py

It appears to be stuck with this grep command reading from stdin:


Thanks for this. That path is wrong. It seem like a copy/paste from the Hypercane work was not completely scrubbed to make sure the paths were correct.

And when I commented on this days ago I noticed one issue in the output and neglected to comment on the issue with the grep.

ato commented

I tested the new version and this problem was resolved.

ato commented

Actually it just silently failed and didn't configure anything. 😅

Note the grep is looking for MEMENTOEMBED_ENDPOINT in user_settings.py, but that line actually seems to be in raintale.conf:


echo "writing database information to ${settings_file}"

ME_line=`grep MEMENTOEMBED_ENDPOINT ${settings_file}`

I am removing this from the project as part of the IIPC 2021 Grant project closeout. It still needs to be reviewed by a third party.