
EmbyDream plugin porting?

Thomas-O opened this issue · 1 comments


I hope you'll forgive me if this isn't the appropriate forum to ask this question.

Q. Is any work been done to port the EmbyDream (server) Enigma2 plugin to OE 5.0?

I have an Emby server on a Pi3. While the server connects without issue to my Roku client, the menu browsing and initiating playback is very slow and laggardly. I suspect that an EmbyDream plugin on a device like my Amiko viper 4k v40 would provide a better experience. Though I could be horribly wrong about this.

Thanks for your time


Can only give information for the OpenATV feed. Is there on the IPK feed as py3 version, because the developer does not version in Git! Can be closed